I really don't know much about what they are teaching now as I can't bring myself to read the crap they print but I think the comment about them being on auto-pilot is correct. By looking at the covers of my wife's latest WT and Awake I really couldn't tell when they were written except by the style covers of the covers and the date. The read the same as they did 30 years ago. Life without fear is it possible? Yadda yadda yadda, same old hook.
To me it looks like they are having a hard time convincing their followers to be the hardcore dubs they want them to be. And as mentioned above the internet. How do they deal with that? I think it could be change or die time for the WT but it could be slow and painful death. And if it does die out we won't even have any chairs or table to remember them by like we do the Shakers.